Location: Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, CB10 1SA (click for map)

Dates: Monday 17 – Friday 28 June 2024
Science Engagement and Enrichment: Visiting students will experience a busy week in science engagement. They will shadow members of the team and explore how engagement events and materials are researched, developed and delivered. There will be opportunities for practical experience and completion of tasks linked to a range of roles across the team.
Learning and Training: Visiting students will learn about basic concepts in genomics and data science by working with various teams within Wellcome Connecting Science. Students will spend time across the organisational, laboratory and informatics teams, while working on a project that will help them share what they have learned. They will get practical experience in event planning, laboratory experiments and working with genomic data. The goal for the student is to create a short presentation / video / media that can show their friends or parents about a genomics concept and what they learned about it during their visit.
Who is this work experience placement for?
Applications are invited from Year 10 students
Where is it taking place?
Wellcome Connecting Science, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, CB10 1SA
How do I apply?
Applications should be made via this form by 9am on 7 May 2024.
Four students will be able to take a placement; two per team per week.
Successful applicants will be notified by email.