About the project
Just Good science is a space to explore the ‘everyday ethics’ of genomics. Whereas ethical discourse often focuses on formal governance or abstract dilemmas, ‘everyday ethics’ interrogates the ethical challenges that emerge as part of routine scientific work. From technical decisions (data quality) to practical problems (handling samples), from relationships at work (managing collaborations) to epistemological questions (assessing evidence), we explore ethics as a dimension of science itself.
Every two weeks, researchers, technicians, bioinformaticians and other professionals at the Wellcome Genome Campus meet to discuss questions that arise in their day-to-day work. Below you can find the topics we have covered to date and a summary of the experiences and reflections that participants agreed to share. We hope you find this useful to think about the relationship of science and ethics, and your own experience of it. You’re welcome to share and re-use the materials, but please acknowledge and link back to us if possible.
Are you interested in the project but don’t work at the Wellcome Genome Campus?
We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch if you have questions, comments or ideas.