The recent special issue of the European Journal of Medical Genetics has focussed on Evidence-Based Genetic Counselling. Guest edited by Anna Middleton and Christine Patch (Society and Ethics Research), and Barbara Biesecker (RTI International), the issue draws on the first World Congress on Genetic Counselling, developed and delivered with Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences in 2017.
The World Congress brought together 220 genetic counsellors from 24 different countries, for a scientific meeting which explored the journey of the patient from their previous experiences of genomics before diagnosis, through issues ranging from consent, decision-making, and outcome measurement.
This special issue picks up on many of those areas, with papers from Congress speakers informed by empirical data, thought leadership and experience. Research articles cover trust in healthcare, genetics and popular culture, and risk communication, among many other topics.
All articles co-authored by members of the Society and Ethics Research group are available via Open Access.